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★ Ford Mustang Nascar Logano Drift ★

You can download the selected skin from this website, or other mirrors available, don’t forget the locator file (other players will see your skin during online races)

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Ford Mustang Nascar Logano Drift screenshot ingame number 1
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Ford Mustang Nascar Logano Drift screenshot ingame number 2
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Ford Mustang Nascar Logano Drift screenshot ingame number 3
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Ford Mustang Nascar Logano Drift screenshot ingame number 4

1st work on a Nascar car, added to TM2 by Sora on Maniapark, and with an engine sound reworked by Antikythera. This car model has been caught from a video by Ford Performance "Vaughn Gittin Jr and Joey Logano Drift the NASCAR Mustang". I've tried to be as near as possible to the original car. After this one, a Kitty model will come :D.

This skin has been made with Affinity Designer+Photo, then converted with Gimp.